The Garden Suites
Family Memorial Outdoor Columbarium
At Sunset Memorial & Stone, our commitment is to providing both families and communities with lasting tributes that honor the life and memory of their loved ones.
Our Garden Suites feature a variety of outdoor columbarium and memorialization options in a family-scaled garden setting. Architectural partitions separate one family garden from another and these can be accentuated with shrubbery or natural growth to suit the taste of the lot owner.
The six unique suites integrate traditional in-ground lots incorporating upright monuments with more contemporary cremation burial. Cremation options can include in-ground urn burials with pillow markers and or flat marker memorials, all the way up to family columbaria that integrates with the traditional elements within the family garden.
Each family estate suite can accommodate between 10 and 50 interments in a combination of traditional and columbarium interment.
Garden Suites Design

The six unique garden suites are designed to fit together to create visually appealing cluster layouts within the cemetery environment. These clusters can be arrayed to form a Family Estate section that offer a final resting place for hundreds of loved ones while both observing and enhancing the intimacy required for grieving and remembering in each individual suite.
Architectural partitions or fencing can be incorporated into the cluster layouts to identify the distinct physical limits of each family estate suite.
Cemetery Land Planning
A family estate cemetery section offers a considerable increase in burial yield over traditional single casket lots. A cemetery section consisting of 21 family estate suites (shown below) offers at least 453 interments in a variety of casket lots, cremation lots and columbarium interment niches and requires 0.15 acres of land. This is the equivalent of 100-130 casket lots based upon a typical yield per acre.
The family estate suites are designed to allow for easy grave site access for funeral activities, visitors and a variety of cemetery operations, including opening/closings, installation of monuments/columbaria, general site maintenance and snow removal for seasonal grave site access.
Each suite contains reasonable space for low maintenance native ‘soft-scape’ elements such as woody plant material (small trees and shrubs) and herbaceous plant materials (annuals, perennials, and ornamental grasses).Memorial benches and planters with seasonal displays can also be incorporated into some suites – particularly those with paved ‘courtyard’ surfaces.
Architectural Partitioning