Columbarium USA – Business Plan
Your Business Plan
At Sunset Memorial & Stone, we believe we cannot achieve full customer satisfaction until we are assured that you are making a profit from your columbarium purchase.
To this end, we try to provide prospective customers with as much supporting information as we can, to help them create a realistic and persuasive plan that they can present to their boards, organizations, or communities to turn concept into reality. The process is composed of 5 simple steps as shown in the figure.
Sunset recognizes that many of our customers excel at serving people, but may not have the financial background to be able to create a strong financial assessment of their columbarium proposals.
To assist potential customers with this skill, we have created the Sunset Memorial & Stone Financial Calculator that leads customers step by step through a spreadsheet that does all of the financial calculations for them. After inputting the required information, the calculator will tell potential customers their:
The calculator will even advise clients if they could be buying too large of a columbarium to suit their needs! Call a Sunset representative, or click to request this extremely helpful tool.

To alleviate the stress of calculation,
Sunset Memorial & Stone has created an easy to use calculation tool designed to assist our customers with their future columbarium purchase.