Cremation Memorials & Columbaria Models For Sale

Cremation Columbarium

Sunset Memorial & Stone is a leading North American supplier of custom-designed columbaria. Although we offer a wide variety of commercial columbaria styles, we are well known for our custom cremation memorials and private columbaria.

From single niche units to large multi phase commercial columbaria projects that involve thousands of niches we have the skillset and access to technology to meet any design challenge.

Our columbaria are custom-engineered to meet your specific needs. We work collaboratively with cemeteries and architects to create noteworthy designs that attract attention

Our wide variety of models draw from both traditional architectural features as well as more modern columbarium designs.

Every columbarium we design and build is carefully constructed and installed by our expert team. Often our columbaria are delivered to the cemetery fully

Planning a Future Columbarium Project?

We Believe You Deserve the Best in Columbarium Creation

Our columbaria models are built to stand the test of time. They are an exquisite focal piece, delivering stunning results that will not only impress families and visitors, but it will help your business grow.

We understand the memorial business and bring with it years of experience and a talented team that is dedicated to your success.

Every columbarium we design and build is carefully constructed and installed by our expert team. Often our columbaria are delivered to the cemetery fully assembled minimizing disruption to cemetery services and function.

Simply click on the columbarium images below to learn more about our diverse cremation memorial product line.

Columbaria Models

Seeking a more traditional columbarium style? Take a close look at our stunning Estate Majestic.

Interested in a more “modern columbarium” design? Explore our exciting custom columbarium projects across North America and see why architectural firms are in good hands working with Sunset.

Struggling to sell those bottom row niches? See how our Ascension Models can turn the lower tier into a more prominent and desirable product.

Want to know why our Legacy Models are a popular choice? Ask us how we can accommodate your specific niche configuration requirements.

Looking to purchase a private columbarium? Check out our Heritage Models and inquire about our custom design services. Note the advantages of a structurally welded frame and why our cremation columbarium design capabilities are unmatched.

Columbaria Models

If you are planning or looking for design ideas on columbaria models,
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